Jumat, 16 September 2011
Unforgettable Moment
Hey Guys! Now, i want to share my unforgettable moment in my life! Okay, the story began when i was up to grade 8 and started to know my classmates. After two months i studied in grade 8 and knew my classmates, i was approached by my other classmate. At first, i thought he just want to be my friend but day by day we became closer each day.
Sometimes he helped me when, actually i can do it myself. He also invited me to eat together in restaurant after school. After all of those day, he told me that he liked me and wanted to know what's mine too. I just said maybe my feeling same with him, but i told him if he want to be more than friend with me, he must wait for two months from that time.
After 2 months ended, all of my classmates knew that there's something between he and me. Then, the day was coming. Actually, i had knew he want to show his feeling again and at night before that day, i couldn't stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow. In the next day, at school, the bell had already rung but he and me with all of my classmates still stayed at school. My friends forced me to stay in class until he was coming and told his feeling for the second time and i said yes. All of my classmates in there were shouting when i said yes.
Sometimes he helped me when, actually i can do it myself. He also invited me to eat together in restaurant after school. After all of those day, he told me that he liked me and wanted to know what's mine too. I just said maybe my feeling same with him, but i told him if he want to be more than friend with me, he must wait for two months from that time.
After 2 months ended, all of my classmates knew that there's something between he and me. Then, the day was coming. Actually, i had knew he want to show his feeling again and at night before that day, i couldn't stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow. In the next day, at school, the bell had already rung but he and me with all of my classmates still stayed at school. My friends forced me to stay in class until he was coming and told his feeling for the second time and i said yes. All of my classmates in there were shouting when i said yes.
(Desember, 9th 2010)
From all of my moments in my life, this story is still being my best moment that i can't forget.Minggu, 04 September 2011
Study in another country? Why not?
Hi guys! I want to share something to you,blogger. You know, in my country -Indonesia, lot of people wanna continue their study in another country. Because we both know, that the quality in another country like USA or Japan are more better than in Indonesia. And you know what? I want it too! I want more than here. And i want to know another citizens in another country. But, i have a problem here. I-i'm just not confident about myself. Even it's about my ability or the language. I feel comfortable to living here, in Indonesia. Because it's my country. This is where i was born and grow and study. And i just feel it's okay.
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Raja Ampat - The Realm of The Four Kings
Hello Guys!
Have you ever been to Raja Ampat Islands? In Papua?
Well, I never been too -_- buttt, I interest to know this Islands especially for the sea. I had read some blogs that tell about the beautiful sea,i mean the most beautiful sea in Indonesia! And you know what ? When i saw the photos, i really don't believe it in all the beauty of the sea. From the edge of the islands to bring the sea, from the small fishes to the big corals. Everything is very stunning!
And i really really want to go to Raja Ampat someday if i have enough money. Is there anyone that would give her/his money for me? Pleaseeee :)
*Just kidding
NB: if you want to know more about Raja Ampat, just click and for the photos, click here
Have you ever been to Raja Ampat Islands? In Papua?
Well, I never been too -_- buttt, I interest to know this Islands especially for the sea. I had read some blogs that tell about the beautiful sea,i mean the most beautiful sea in Indonesia! And you know what ? When i saw the photos, i really don't believe it in all the beauty of the sea. From the edge of the islands to bring the sea, from the small fishes to the big corals. Everything is very stunning!
And i really really want to go to Raja Ampat someday if i have enough money. Is there anyone that would give her/his money for me? Pleaseeee :)
*Just kidding
NB: if you want to know more about Raja Ampat, just click and for the photos, click here
Jumat, 08 April 2011
Yuk! Belajar Membuat Animasi
Kalian tau animasi? Animasi yang biasa buat bikin kartun-kartun itu lho. Apa kalian pernah punya pertanyaan-pertanyaan? Misalnya 'Gimana sih caranya bikin animasi?' atau 'Kok gambar bisa gerak?' Nah,di postingan ini saya ingin membahas bagaimana caranya membuat animasi.
Penasaran? Ikuti saja!
Kalian pasti tau bagaimana perkembangan teknologi komputer saat ini kan? Ya! Sangat pesat dan modern,yang memiliki fungsi awal sebagai alat bantu
dalam menyelesaikan persoalan dan masalah dalam segala bidang kemudian memasuki fungsi sebagai
penghibur. Bagaimana mungkin teknologi komputer ini berfungsi sebagai penghibur? Hal ini ditandai dengan banyak produk-produk yang berbasis komputer dalam dunia
hiburan. Dan salah satu produknya adalah kartun!
Penggunaan komputer untuk menghasilkan kartun yang professional sudah dilakukan yang diawali dengan
kartun-kartun yang dibuat Hollywood Amerika Serikat yang menggunakan komputer. Di Indonesia
sendiri bermunculan forum-forum yang membahas tentang animasi kartun ini dan beberapa perusahaan-perusahaan yang memfokuskan diri di bidang animasi kartun.
Pembuatan animasi kartun ini jika ditekuni akan dapat menciptakan peluang-peluang kerja baru di
Animasi kartun yang akan didesain ini biasanya akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk web atau komputer. Pemilihan
media tampilnya kartun akan mempengaruhi dari bentuk desain kartun yang akan dibuat. Terdapat dua
media yang saat ini berpengaruh besar yakni media televisi dan komputer.
Pada media televisi, kendala yang dihadapi adalah setiap negara memiliki sistem televisi yang berbeda,
dan tidak ada standar umum yang ditetapkan bersama. Kondisi ini menyebabkan media video yang
dihasilkan oleh setiap negara susah untuk ditransfer. Contohnya video tape yang dibuat Amerika tidak
dapat diputar di Korea ataupun Inggris. Ketidaknyamanan ini disebabkan kondisi politik yang ada dalam
negara tersebut, yang bertujuan untuk menghindari pertukaran informasi dengan cepat yang akan
mempengaruhi pandangan, ide maupun gagasan baru dari setiap negara. Tetapi kondisi ini mulai
berubah pada saat internet sudah dapat menjangkau negara di seluruh dunia.
Beberapa sistem televisi yang digunakan umum di seluruh negara adalah:
a. NTSC System
b. PAL dan SECAM System
Nah, bila kalian ingin belajar lebih lagi dalam membuat animasi,biasanya kalian dapat menggunakan macromedia flash. Tentu saja,sebelum kalian menggunakannya dengan mahir akan dibutuhkan tutorial terlebih dahulu. Maka dari itu,bila kalian tertarik dalam mempelajari program macromedia flash lebih lanjut,silakan CLICK HERE atau KLIK DISINI
Kamis, 07 April 2011
The Amazing Story of J.K. Rowling's Life
Good Evenig,friends!
Do you know J.K Rowling? The woman that makes the books of ''Harry Potter''
If you know her,it's good. But,if you don't know at all about her, i will tell you about her life story in my current posting! Can't wait? Just check this out.
J.K Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in Chipping Sadbury, a small town in England. She wanted to be a writer since she was six years old. Uh,okay i feel bad because when i was six, i never think that i must try to write a story. i envy you,Mrs. Rowling -_-
J.K. Rowling is a very famous author. She wrote the Hary Potter series and she earned a lot of money from it! People believe that she is richer than the Queen. Wow,whether that rumor was true? However, not many people know that she worked very hard to get her fame and fortune.
She moved to Portugal and got a job as an English teacher. She married a journalist in Portugal and had a daughter in 1993. During her life in Portugal, she started writing about a boy with magical power. Then, she moved to Edinburgh,Scotland. She stopped work and spent all her time writing. She often sat in cafes and wrote about Harry Potter.
Both children(including me!) and adults liked her books very much. A lot of people bought them. They were always impatient for the new book to come(yep,it's exactly true :D ) Thirty countries translated the books into their languages. A film company also made the books into films. But most of all, J.K. Rowling's childhood's dream came true 'a dream to be a writer'
So, this is Mrs. Rowling life story. Also, it's an interesting biography. Her story of life make me think that we must try and try although you're fall and fall again. See you in a next posting!
1. Harry Potter and the Philsopher's Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
6.Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow
Do you know J.K Rowling? The woman that makes the books of ''Harry Potter''
If you know her,it's good. But,if you don't know at all about her, i will tell you about her life story in my current posting! Can't wait? Just check this out.
J.K Rowling was born on July 31, 1965 in Chipping Sadbury, a small town in England. She wanted to be a writer since she was six years old. Uh,okay i feel bad because when i was six, i never think that i must try to write a story. i envy you,Mrs. Rowling -_-
J.K. Rowling is a very famous author. She wrote the Hary Potter series and she earned a lot of money from it! People believe that she is richer than the Queen. Wow,whether that rumor was true? However, not many people know that she worked very hard to get her fame and fortune.
She moved to Portugal and got a job as an English teacher. She married a journalist in Portugal and had a daughter in 1993. During her life in Portugal, she started writing about a boy with magical power. Then, she moved to Edinburgh,Scotland. She stopped work and spent all her time writing. She often sat in cafes and wrote about Harry Potter.
Both children(including me!) and adults liked her books very much. A lot of people bought them. They were always impatient for the new book to come(yep,it's exactly true :D ) Thirty countries translated the books into their languages. A film company also made the books into films. But most of all, J.K. Rowling's childhood's dream came true 'a dream to be a writer'
So, this is Mrs. Rowling life story. Also, it's an interesting biography. Her story of life make me think that we must try and try although you're fall and fall again. See you in a next posting!
1. Harry Potter and the Philsopher's Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
6.Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollow
Selasa, 05 April 2011
Today is a good day
hari ini cukup menyenangkan neh wkwk yaa seenggaknya,ga ada hal hal yg bikin gue bete laah. yang paling bikin gue seneng siih garagara nilai presentasi sejarah guee bagus ahaay! jadi kan gue ga ngerasa sia sia aja giduu ngerjain presentasi itu semaleman yang alhasil menghasilkan 30 lebih slide -_-
tapi ga terlalu exciting juga sih. abisnya keadaan kelas hari ini masih sepi aja euy kaya kemaren. kenapa? karna anak anak yg selama ini bikin kelas rame pada gamasuuuuk. ada yg lagi student exchange ke singapur ada yg sakiit. jadi kelas gaada yg heboh deh huh
ohiya ohiya! sekarang kan tanggal 5 April nih yee. nah Jakarta lagi heboh hebohnya nih grgr ada konser Bruno Mars pukul 7 nanti. temen temen sekolah gue banyak yg dapet tiket -_- envy nyah <-- orang sirik
terus di twitter tuh pada ribut gitu ''otw istora'' ''arrvd @ istora'' hiks sementara gue? cuma bisa nonton dr tipi. actually sih ya,gue ga ngefans ngefans amat sama si Bruno Mars itu. jadi ga terlalu yg sampe ''AAA gimana iniii gue ga bisa nonton konser Bruno Mars'' ''AAA envy bgt ngeliat dp orang foto bareng Bruno'' ''AAA.....''
okelah. sekian berita dan laporan dari saya. dilaporkan dari rumah saya sendiri pukul 6 lewat duapuluhlima. selamat sore dan sampai jumpa~
hari ini cukup menyenangkan neh wkwk yaa seenggaknya,ga ada hal hal yg bikin gue bete laah. yang paling bikin gue seneng siih garagara nilai presentasi sejarah guee bagus ahaay! jadi kan gue ga ngerasa sia sia aja giduu ngerjain presentasi itu semaleman yang alhasil menghasilkan 30 lebih slide -_-
tapi ga terlalu exciting juga sih. abisnya keadaan kelas hari ini masih sepi aja euy kaya kemaren. kenapa? karna anak anak yg selama ini bikin kelas rame pada gamasuuuuk. ada yg lagi student exchange ke singapur ada yg sakiit. jadi kelas gaada yg heboh deh huh
ohiya ohiya! sekarang kan tanggal 5 April nih yee. nah Jakarta lagi heboh hebohnya nih grgr ada konser Bruno Mars pukul 7 nanti. temen temen sekolah gue banyak yg dapet tiket -_- envy nyah <-- orang sirik
terus di twitter tuh pada ribut gitu ''otw istora'' ''arrvd @ istora'' hiks sementara gue? cuma bisa nonton dr tipi. actually sih ya,gue ga ngefans ngefans amat sama si Bruno Mars itu. jadi ga terlalu yg sampe ''AAA gimana iniii gue ga bisa nonton konser Bruno Mars'' ''AAA envy bgt ngeliat dp orang foto bareng Bruno'' ''AAA.....''
okelah. sekian berita dan laporan dari saya. dilaporkan dari rumah saya sendiri pukul 6 lewat duapuluhlima. selamat sore dan sampai jumpa~
Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Aw aw aw, udah lama banget gewlak(lebaylebay-_-) ga ngeposting di blog guaaa,aaaa. maap maap aja nih yak,akhir akhir ini susah banget nih buka blognya,saking udah lamanyaa(serasaberabad-abad) tiap gue mau buka ini blog,lupa molo passwordnya. yaah maklum nenek remaja usia muda gampang pelupa karna banyaknyaa memori yg udah kepake garagara nonton pelem belajar nih(-_-)
hokeeeh*nariknafaspanjang* sebenernya saking gada kerjaannya nih ye di tengah malem begini,akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk ngeposting aja deh! judulnya sih ''Insomnia'' udah keren gimana gituu katakatanya,tapi isinya...
okeh. stop. gausah dilanjutin.
tapi isinya ya--
stop! gue bilang stop! lo ngerti stop gak sih?! neh ejaannya S-T--
berhenti!!! lampu merah ituuu
wkwk apadah guaa. kayaknya insomnia itu sendiri membuat kita terkena penyakit tak waras tapi tak gila juga deh(--_--) haah desperate gua. hikshikshiks
udah ah. beneran stop ini gua. kesian pembacanya entarr kena penyakit ini juga(mendingadayangbaca)
OKELAH. sekiranya postingan ini dapat memberi anda pencerahan bukan penggelapan,karna gue tau PLN pasti susah ngurusin berjuta-juta listrik.
Sooo,just it. actually,i just wanna wast my time and to make me feel sleepy. but,yeah. it's not working,i think. Ah! it's almost 1 a.m at here. i'll try to go to my bed,close my eyes,and hope that i can wake up in the morning. byeee,have a nice daay
hokeeeh*nariknafaspanjang* sebenernya saking gada kerjaannya nih ye di tengah malem begini,akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk ngeposting aja deh! judulnya sih ''Insomnia'' udah keren gimana gituu katakatanya,tapi isinya...
okeh. stop. gausah dilanjutin.
tapi isinya ya--
stop! gue bilang stop! lo ngerti stop gak sih?! neh ejaannya S-T--
berhenti!!! lampu merah ituuu
wkwk apadah guaa. kayaknya insomnia itu sendiri membuat kita terkena penyakit tak waras tapi tak gila juga deh(--_--) haah desperate gua. hikshikshiks
udah ah. beneran stop ini gua. kesian pembacanya entarr kena penyakit ini juga(mendingadayangbaca)
OKELAH. sekiranya postingan ini dapat memberi anda pencerahan bukan penggelapan,karna gue tau PLN pasti susah ngurusin berjuta-juta listrik.
Sooo,just it. actually,i just wanna wast my time and to make me feel sleepy. but,yeah. it's not working,i think. Ah! it's almost 1 a.m at here. i'll try to go to my bed,close my eyes,and hope that i can wake up in the morning. byeee,have a nice daay
Minggu, 06 Maret 2011
My Dream House
Hello! How is your day today? Well, my day is awesome, an hour ago I was thinking and dreaming about my house when I grow up. Let me tell you what my dream house looks like.
Actually,I'm quite happy to live in a house likes my house now. But, I think it's so ordinary, a house with a large plot of land and a big garden with many flowers. Or maybe, a swimming pool in front of the house. So, I was dreaming, why don't I live in a bus that big enough but the bus is my house! It's unusual,isn't it? Yes! And I think, sleeping,eating,playing games,reading,taking a bath,and studying in a bus is an amazing idea.
Why I think live in a bus is maybe fantastic? Because the first reason is, we just no stay in one place but we can move to another places. So if you feel bored cause you're just stay in your big house with nothing to do, if you live in a bus you can drive your bus and move to somewhere that you want to go!
The second reason is you don't have to spend a lot of your money to build the house or buy the land. Because if you want to live in a bus, you just have to buy a big enough bus and all the equipments like cooking utensils, shower, bed, tables, chairs, sofas, television, computer, and many else.
But yeah, there are also many disadvantages if you live in a bus. You don't have any neighbors and you can't gardening. But I think it's nothing, if you're life is happy
That's all. I hope you also think that live in a bus is interesting.
See you in the next posting!
Jumat, 07 Januari 2011
Holiday in Medan
Hello guys!!!
I’m just come back from my holiday and guess what? I spend my holiday to Medan!
Wow! It’s so amazing,isn’t it? And I want to share a little information about Medan,want to know?
Check this out!
Medan is the capital city of North Sumatra province,Indonesia. The city is the largest city of Sumatra Island. Wow,can you imagine it? There are so many cities in Sumatra Island,but Medan is the largest city,how awesome!
The weather in Medan is sunny but cloudy too,so it's not so hot because the sun was covered by the cloud.
Ah,ya! Do you want to know what places that i visited when i was in Medan?
The first place that i visited is Lake Toba,this lake is very broad and in the middle of the lake there's a small island that called Samosir Island. The second place is Medan City Hall,this place is built since dutch colonial period. And Medan City Hall is now overshadowed by the giant three-skyscraper 'Grand Aston City Hall' hotel-office-retail complex, situated just behind it. The third place is Istana Maimun,this place is a palace. And this palace has 30 rooms,and i really like this palace because of the unique design,mixing elements from many styles.
Medan also has a lot of specialties of food, such as: Bika Ambon,Saksang,Tanggo-tanggo,Daun Ubi Tumbuk,Lapis Legit Medan,etc
And the last are souvenirs from Medan! Actually,souvenirs from Medan mostly are food such as: Cake Bolu from Meranti, Pancake Durian from Moratti, ''Terasi Udang'', ''Ikan Asin Pari'', ''Udang Manis'', ''Ikan Asin Hiu'', ''Udang Ebi''

Medan also has a lot of specialties of food, such as: Bika Ambon,Saksang,Tanggo-tanggo,Daun Ubi Tumbuk,Lapis Legit Medan,etc
And the last are souvenirs from Medan! Actually,souvenirs from Medan mostly are food such as: Cake Bolu from Meranti, Pancake Durian from Moratti, ''Terasi Udang'', ''Ikan Asin Pari'', ''Udang Manis'', ''Ikan Asin Hiu'', ''Udang Ebi''

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